How do I use Form 1095-A?
You’ll need to wait until you have Form 1095-A to file your tax return correctly. Tax Form 1095-A gives you two important pieces of information you’ll need when filing, including how many months out of the year you had medical coverage through the health insurance Marketplace, and how much you paid for that medical coverage.

Form 1095-A gives you two important pieces of information
1. The total number of months you had health coverage during the year
2. The amount you paid for that health coverage
You may receive more than one 1095-A form if you were enrolled in more than one Marketplace plan throughout the year. Or if members of your tax family enrolled in different plans.
If you had other coverage for part of the year (for example, through Medicaid or an employer), you will also receive Form 1095-B and/or Form 1095-C. These forms will help you figure out how many months of the year you had health coverage of any kind.
The main tax form for itemizing your income and deductions is called Form 1040. If all of your 1095 forms together show you had coverage for more than 10 months during the year (or if you had an exemption from having health coverage) you will check a box that says “full-year health coverage, or exempt.”
Checking this box on Form 1040 means you won't have to pay the individual mandate fine. It’s also important to note that the IRS receives copies of all 1095 forms and can audit your tax return, so make sure to double-check for any mistakes before submitting.
If you or anyone in your tax household received advance premium tax credits - i.e., savings on your health insurance - you'd then use your 1095-A to complete Form 8962, “Premium Tax Credit.” If you did not receive any savings, but think you may qualify for them because your income changed, you should also fill out tax Form 8962.

Need help filling out Form 8962?
Once you’ve completed Form 8962 and attached it to your tax return, you’re done! You should keep Form 1095-A for your records, but you don’t have to attach it to your return.