Blue Cross® Preferred HMO Value - HMO

Plan summary
Get our guide to the Essential Health Benefits covered by this plan and all other Marketplace plans.
Your premium is the amount you pay for health insurance each month.
$9,200 per person
$9,200 per person
Your deductible is the amount you pay for healthcare services before your insurance starts helping you cover the cost.
Depending on the plan, some basic services (like doctor visits and prescriptions) may be covered before your deductible is met.
Out-of-pocket max
$9,200 per person
$18,400 per family
This is the most you will have to pay for healthcare services during your coverage period (typically 12 months).
After you spend this amount on deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance, your health insurance plan will pay the rest.
Note: monthly premiums don’t count towards your out-of-pocket max.
Network type
The type of network you choose (HMO, PPO, POS, or EPO) will determine which providers (doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, and specialist) you can see.
HMO plans usually limit coverage to providers who are within the plan’s network, and require a doctor’s referral to see specialists.
PPO plans usually cover some of the cost of out-of-network providers (but not as much as for in-network providers), and don’t require a doctor’s referral to see specialists.
EPO is a managed care plan where services are covered only if you go to doctors, specialists, or hospitals in the plan’s network (except in an emergency).
Metal tier
Metal levels (which include bronze, silver, gold, and platinum) determine how you will split the cost of your healthcare services with your insurance carrier.
Bronze plans have the lowest monthly premiums and the highest costs when you need care
Silver plans have moderate monthly premiums and moderate costs when you need care.
Gold plans have high monthly premiums and low costs when you need care.
Platinum plans have the highest monthly premiums and the lowest costs when you need care.
Doctor visits
This can include any visits to your doctors (outside of regular checkups) within your plan's network.
Includes virtual, retail health clinic and medical evaluation at an affiliated immunization pharmacy visits. No charge for 24/7 medical virtual visits when performed through the BCN selected vendor app. Diagnostic services are not included in the office visit copayment. These services are subject to the plan's deductible and coinsurance, if applicable.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when receiving primary care services.
For example, this could be an appointment with your primary care provider for a routine checkup or screening.
Referral required. The penalty for not having a referral is denial of payment. Diagnostic services are not included in the office visit copayment. These services are subject to the plan's deductible and coinsurance, if applicable. No charge for 24/7 medical virtual visits when performed through the BCN selected vendor app.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when visiting a specialist (a medical professional who specializes in different types of diseases or conditions).
For example, a dermatologist, cardiologist, or pathologist.
May require prior authorization. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment. You may have to pay for services that aren t preventive. Ask your provider if the services needed are preventive. Then check what your plan will pay for. Excludes: Care and services not defined as preventive under PPACA.
There are dozens of preventive care services available for free with every plan, including check-ups, counseling, screenings, and immunizations
To learn more, scroll down to the Free Preventive Care section below.
Emergency / Surgery
These are the costs you’re responsible for in the case of an emergency or surgery.
Urgent Care visits will be covered at non-participating providers for medical emergencies and accidental injuries only.
An urgent care center can be a convenient option if you have a non-life-threatening injury and your doctor is not available.
Urgent care is usually less expensive than going to the Emergency Room, and will usually have shorter wait times for non-life-threatening injuries.
Emergency room visits will be covered at non-participating facilities for medical emergencies and accidental injuries only. Copayment waived if admitted inpatient into the hospital.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when receiving emergency room services.
Includes air and ground transportation. Excludes: Transportation for convenience.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when receiving ambulatory services.
Prior authorization required. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when using the facilities and equipment at a hospital.
Prior authorization required. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when receiving services provided by a physician, surgeon, medical doctor, or other specialist.
May require prior authorization. Excludes: Cosmetic surgery, corrective eye surgery, investigational and experimental procedures.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when using the equipment and facilities at a hospital.
Specifically, during a procedure that does not require overnight hospitalization.
May require prior authorization. Excludes: Cosmetic surgery, corrective eye surgery, investigational and experimental procedures.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when receiving services provided by a physician, surgeon, or other specialist.
Specifically, during a procedure that does not require overnight hospitalization.
Prior authoriztion required. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment. Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy- combined 30 visits per calendar year; 30 visits for Speech Therapy per calendar year.
This includes physical and occupational therapy, speech pathology, and psychiatric rehabilitation services.
Every ACA health insurance plan covers healthcare services provided before and after your child is born. Here is a breakdown of the costs associated with your plan.
Quantity limits based on PPACA.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when receiving well baby care.
These services may include developmental screenings, counseling, behavioral assessments, plus more.
Prior authoriztion required. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment.
This is the amount you will pay for your labor, delivery, and hospital stay.
Prescription coverage and cost is usually based on a tiered structure. These tiers are determined by generic, brand, or speciality drugs.
Refer to drug list for quantity limits and other exclusions. May require prior authorization & step therapy. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment. No charge for Tier 1A contraceptives. Any coupon, rebate, or other credits received directly or indirectly from an assistance program or the drug manufacturer may not be applied to a consumers deductible, cost-sharing or out of pocket maximum Excludes: Quantity limits per fill may apply for 30-day retail, 90-day retail, and 90-day mail order. Opioid containing medications are limited to no more than a 30-day supply per fill and first fills of select opioid containing medications will be limited to a 5-day supply.
This is the amount you will pay for a generic drug prescription.
Refer to drug list for quantity limits and other exclusions. May require prior authorization & step therapy. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment. No charge for Tier 1A contraceptives. Any coupon, rebate, or other credits received directly or indirectly from an assistance program or the drug manufacturer may not be applied to a consumers deductible, cost-sharing or out of pocket maximum Excludes: Quantity limits per fill may apply for 30-day retail, 90-day retail, and 90-day mail order. Opioid containing medications are limited to no more than a 30-day supply per fill and first fills of select opioid containing medications will be limited to a 5-day supply.
This is the amount you will pay for a brand name drug prescription.
Refer to drug list for quantity limits and other exclusions. May require prior authorization & step therapy. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment. No charge for Tier 1A contraceptives. Any coupon, rebate, or other credits received directly or indirectly from an assistance program or the drug manufacturer may not be applied to a consumers deductible, cost-sharing or out of pocket maximum Excludes: Quantity limits per fill may apply for 30-day retail, 90-day retail, and 90-day mail order. Opioid containing medications are limited to no more than a 30-day supply per fill and first fills of select opioid containing medications will be limited to a 5-day supply.
This is the amount you will pay for a non-preferred brand name drug prescription.
Refer to drug list for quantity limits and other exclusions. BCN has contracted with an exclusive pharmacy network for specialty drugs. Call the customer service phone number on the back of your ID card for the pharmacys phone number or location nearest to you. If you obtain your specialty drugs from any other pharmacy, you are responsible for the total cost. Prior authorization, step therapy and quantity limits may apply to select drugs. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment. Any coupon, rebate, or other credits received directly or indirectly from an assistance program or the drug manufacturer may not be applied to a consumers deductible, cost-sharing or out of pocket maximum Excludes: Specialty drugs are limited to a 30-day supply per fill, however some may be limited to a 15-day supply fill, depending on the medication
This is the amount you will pay for a speciality drug prescription.
Diagnostics / Labs / Imaging
This is the amount you're responsible for when receiving blood work, tests, or x-rays your doctor may need for diagnosing.
May require prior authorization. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when having an x-ray.
Prior authoriztion required. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when having an MRI, CET, PET scan.
May require prior authorization. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when receiving blood work.
Mental health
Under the Affordable Care Act, all Marketplace plans are required to cover behavioral health treatment, mental and behavioral health inpatient services, as well as substance use treatment.
Copayment applies to providers office, virtual visit and applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment by participating BCN provider and Blue Cross online visit from BCN selected vendor only. Additional services are subject to the plan's deductible and coinsurance. Prior authorization is not required for outpatient, office and online visits. Prior authorization is required for other outpatient services.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when you have a procedure that does not require overnight hospitalization.
Prior authoriztion required. The penalty for not having prior authorization is denial of payment.
This is the amount you’re responsible for when you’re admitted or receiving treatment at a psychiatric hospital.
The Affordable Care Act requires that all health insurance plans cover preventive care for free. Preventive care services focus on managing and maintaining your health before something becomes serious. This includes routine check-ups, counseling, screenings, and immunizations. Grab our free guide to preventive care to refer back to later.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm one-time screening
For men of specified ages who have ever smoked
Alcohol misuse screening and counseling
To prevent cardiovascular disease for men and women of certain ages
Cholesterol screening
For adults of certain ages or at higher risk
Colorectal cancer screening
For adults over 50
Diabetes (Type 2) screening
For adults with high blood pressure
Diet counseling
For adults at higher risk for chronic disease
Hepatitis B screening
For people at high risk
Hepatitis C screening
For adults at increased risk, and one time for everyone born 1945 – 1965
HIV screening
For everyone ages 15 to 65, and other ages at increased risk
Lung cancer screening
For adults 55 - 80 at high risk for lung cancer
Syphilis screening
For adults at higher risk and all pregnant women
Tobacco Use screening
For all adults and cessation interventions for tobacco users
Official documents
If you'd like to see the official documents from the health insurance company, we've provided links to those here.
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